Pedal Party Liability Waiver

    1. As participant and/or rider I fully acknowledge the risks involved in the use of any and all services performed by Pedal Party and Bike and Brew, LLC, its agents, owners, officers, volunteers, participants, employees and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on its behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Company”) as an open and obvious danger. By signature of this agreement, I hereby permanently release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company from liability of personal injury, property loss, theft and/or damage, or any other damages sustained to myself or any third party.

    2. I acknowledge that my participation in all services performed by the Company whether as a participant or observer are completely voluntary and I personally assume all said risks.

    3. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company for any attorney fees and/or costs incurred as a result of litigation.

    4. I further attest that I am able to comfortably reach and propel pedals while holding onto the railing and if, for any reason, I am not able to comfortably reach and propel the pedals on the bike, I understand that it is my sole responsibility to notify the Company, prior to beginning of any travel on the bike. 

    5. I agree that the Company has my permission to use my photograph, video, audio recordings, likeness, artwork, profile in any publication, web page and/or other promotional material produced or used by the Company. I understand the circulation of the materials could be worldwide and that there will be no compensation to me for this use.

    6. I assume full responsibility for consumption of alcohol prior to or following any services performed by the Company, which shall include the responsibility to notify the Company if I have consumed any alcohol within 24 hours prior to the use of any services performed by the Company or if, for any reason, my ability to stand, sit, or pedal a bicycle is or may be impaired. 

    Further, I hereby agree to comply with the following behavioral guidelines:

    7. I understand it is my responsibility to provide my own helmet, which is optional for anyone over 18. My initials herein indicate I decline to use a helmet.


    9. I agree that I will not bring any glass bottles or containers aboard the bike and I will also not bring any alcohol aboard the bike that is unpackaged, opened, or contained in any open container.

    10. I agree to comply with all directions conveyed by the Company and I acknowledge that the Company has full authority to deny any rider/participant use of any service before or during any service performed by the Company for any reason identified by the Company, at the Companies discretion. 

    11. I shall not cause or promote, any Belligerence, Public Intoxication, Littering, Possession of Alcohol on behalf of myself or any other individual during any service performed by the Company. I will also not, attempt to get on, or get off the bike while it is in motion. 

    12. I agree that, the individual who is the primary cardholder on file has priority authority over all other passengers in relation to stop lengths, and reloading times. Further, I understand that any delay in the timely return of the bike will be charged to the primary cardholder’s credit card.

    13. I agree to be mindful and respectful of all residents and passengers and agree to keep noise to a reasonable level, as determined by the Company. 

    14. I understand that should I fail to comply with the above stated guidelines, I will be held financially responsible for any fines/fees incurred by the Company as a result of the violation of any federal, state, or municipal rules or regulations, including but not limited to any fines or penalties asses for open containers on the bike or the use of alcohol during any service performed by the Company.